A SydLexian Story

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Sydlexian Story

Chapter 1

One late Friday afternoon, in a van down by the river, Syd Lexia decided to hook up his NES and work some magic with the Power Glove.

Chapter 2

It's too bad. The Power Glove sucked so bad that when Syd hooked it up, it fried both his NES and his TV. He did however enjoy the stimulation from the electrocution.

Chapter 3

As it turns out, this stimulation was actually the awakening of his latent super powers, brought on by the electrocution, little did he know, he was being monitored by his arch nemesis.

As Syd began to recover from his energizing accident, he realized an awful truth about his situation and screamed, "Oh fuck!!!! Without my TV I can't watch Days of Our Lives or pay per-view porn!"