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== [http://www.sydlexia.com/snes100/snes14.htm Contra III: The Alien Wars] ==
== [http://www.sydlexia.com/snes100/snes14.htm Contra III: The Alien Wars] ==
The difficulty of this game is precisely the reason Game Genie was invented.  Shit, the fact that I beat this game with Game Genie when I was a kid is probably why I can still tolerate it today.
Not as hard as Batman Returns, but damn, this game is HARD! But as we all learned from BattleToads, and Contra and Super C, Hard games, do NOT necessarily mean bad games. When you conquer this game, you will think you are the manliest badass in the world, and for good reason! Definitely a MUST HAVE for Action Junkies, and if you own a Super Nintendo. Best 2D action game this side of Strider.
Not as hard as Batman Returns, but damn, this game is HARD! But as we all learned from BattleToads, and Contra and Super C, Hard games, do NOT necessarily mean bad games. When you conquer this game, you will think you are the manliest badass in the world, and for good reason! Definitely a MUST HAVE for Action Junkies, and if you own a Super Nintendo. Best 2D action game this side of Strider.

Revision as of 19:31, 21 September 2009

On November the 30th of the year 2007, Syd (in conjunction with Valdronius, greeneyedzeke, Douche McCallister, Darkmaze, Knyte, and Murdar Machine) published the article "The 100 Best SNES Games Ever". A year and a half later, a forum newbie, Brut, suggested giving Forum Members the capability to comment on each of the 100 selected games. This is a place for members to post said comments. The games are listed in descending order.


NHL '94

Stunt Race FX

The Death And Return Of Superman

Super Adventure Island II

Ys III: Wanderers from Ys

Out of This World

Tetris Attack


If any of you know of the 'Block Destroyer' game found on some TI graphing calculators, this is that, only about 100x better! This is an excellent SNES puzzle game with plenty of action. Despite the fact that it was almost nothing like normal Tetris, this game was hella fun; there's nothing like playing battle mode with a friend. Fun Fact: originally this was released as Panel de Pon in Japan and instead of Mario enemies, the main characters were all faeries. I also believe this was later remade for the N64 as Pokemon Puzzle League

Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest


I read somewhere that they created this game to be easier than the regular Final Fantasy games. It's a pretty good game and I like the fact you can only have 2 characters at the same time. The graphics aren't that good for SNES but the music is pretty good.

Secret of the Stars

Sunset Riders

Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi

Mega Man Soccer


I rented this game a few times because it was Mega Man, and learned a few things about soccer. I would probably spend most of my time trying to do special shots to see how each bosses weapon would be interpreted in, um....soccer mode. Also, this game had the worst password system ever.

Earthworm Jim 2

Street Fighter II: The World Warrior

Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf

Disney's Aladdin


I noticed that they released this game for the nes first, and remade it with much better sound and graphics. A pretty good platformer, the only ones that are better would have to be the Donkey Kong Country games and the Super Mario World games.

Saturday Night Slam Masters

Batman Returns


This game kicks ass, it should have been in the top 10, or at least 20. Tossing fatass clowns around like ragdolls, so much fun.....

WCW SuperBrawl Wrestling

Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster Busts Loose

Super Turrican

The Adventures of Batman & Robin

Super Scope 6


X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse

Super Adventure Island

King of the Monsters

Super Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back


Breath of Fire

Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble!


My least favorite DKC game on the snes but still very good nontheless. It has nice graphics, music and more stuff to find than in the previous 2. Too bad Dixie and Kiddie Kong somehow just don't seem to move as well as Diddy Kong.

Demon's Crest

Castlevania: Dracula X


I always thought that Richter moved so slow in this game to the point where it became distracting and unbearable.


I agree with Cameron. Richter moved so slow I never really played this game much. It's pretty hard too, I remember beating it once using a lot of save states.


This was the first Castlevania I ever played. Maybe it's that and/or my autism, but Richter's slowness? Don't see it. Plus, the music and action are awesome.

Knights of the Round

ActRaiser 2


Pocky & Rocky

Tecmo Super Bowl III: Final Edition

WWF Royal Rumble

Harvest Moon


My favorite Harvest Moon game. I bought 1 for the Gamecube and the DS but they weren't any good at all imo. This one however was a lot of fun.

Super Double Dragon


This is my favorite Double Dragon game. My 2nd favorite is DD1. Douche McCallister said and I quote: "This game is ridiculously hard, and it's even worse if you play it by yourself" This is not true at all imo. I've always played it by myself and if you play it on easy you can't fail. I beat this game on hard without much trouble(I was high at the time though)

R-Type III: The Third Lightning

Mortal Kombat 3


This game is much better in its Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 incarnation. I mean, no Scorpion? Come on.


I actually had some issues with the SNES UMK3: 1) They took out Sheeva, 2) They didn't give Rain or Noob Saibot endings, 3) They removed all but two arenas from the original version, which, even then, are only accessible under certain circumstances and 4) Motaro's arena is The Rooftop and not the Balcony, which, as mentioned before, was removed. Thus, I'm glad that version didn't make the cut.

Jurassic Park

Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers

Battletoads in Battlemaniacs

Super Bomberman 2

Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts


This was originally a nes game. The SNES version has improved graphics, music and gameplay too.

Gradius III

Mega Man 7


This game was ok for what it was, but it's overall quality was brought down by the atrocious music. Seriously, in Spring Man's stage, I thought I was listening to Rainbow Brite! Considering music is supposed to be an integral part of the series (it is called Rock Man in Japan after all), that's not a good thing. I also didn't like how they pulled the "Game Boy" shit in this game. You know, how you can only start with 4 stage choices, followed by a middle stage then the next 4. Way to go backwards, Capcom. That being said, I really liked what they did with the Rush suit in this game. Plus, Cloud Man is a dope boss. A Robot Master that poops lightening. Can't get much better than that.


Like with just about every installment in the franchise, I have nothing but praise for this gem. You want to do a few things differently than before, Capcom? Go for it! It's all good!

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals


This was probably the first(major) game to be completely translated to Dutch. Although I would've preferred this game in english. It was however amazing to see how they translated every single item, spell and word to Dutch. Also Lufia 1 was never released here so they named Lufia 2 just "Lufia".

I liked this game a lot and so did my girlfriend, she ended up buying it as well, after I had it a while. The Old Cave(if that's what it's called in english) was a good idea and made even my father say something nice about a game. I tried Lufia 1 on an emulator before but never played it much. The graphics just weren't as nice as Lufia 2, and neither was the music.

EVO: Search For Eden

Legend of the Mystical Ninja


Final Fight


This game was notable for having Freddie Mercury on the front cover of the box it came in.

Super Bomberman

Super Mario All-Stars

Super Star Wars

Kirby Super Star


Lufia and the Fortress of Doom


Earthworm Jim


I totally agree with Syd's premature opinion of this game, it totally is the best platformer ever! Call me a lying, cheating, baby killing communist, but i think this game is better than Mario.

Super R-Type

Super Smash TV

Mario Paint

Killer Instinct

=== MRomprey === UUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTTTRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAA CCCCCCCCCCCOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMBBBBBBBBBBBBOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! Was this game a blatant rip off of all the succesful fighting games at the time? yes. Was it a damn fun game anyway with one of the best soundtracks on the super nintendo? You bet your super manly Unreal Tournament style announcer ass. Oh, and Cinder is the best.

Mega Man X3


This will go down in history as the last great Mega Man game. And yes that includes Mega Man 9, which had potential to be great, but was brought down by the lack of sliding and Mega Buster, as well as its absurd difficulty. I don't care what anyone says, the classic Mega Man games were not that hard.

Anyways, this game had some creative bosses -like Blast Hornet and Tunnel Rhino-, some cooler weapons -like the supercharged Triad Thunder and the supercharged Spinning Blade-, and even better music (Tunnel Rhino and Toxic Seahorse FTW!!) It also has the defining "fun yet challenging" version of God mode, where you get the Gold Chip and Zero's sword which hacks off half of a bosses energy (including Kaiser Sigma)!! One of the chips was where if you stood perfectly still you could recharge your energy and sub tanks one unit at a time. So you could put the controller down, go take a leak or get a drink, come back and you'll be fully charged and ready to roll. Good times.

This game also proved how overrated Zero was. Oh, he can leave a massive trail of death wherever he goes but he can't collect heart tanks, extra lives, fight bosses or mini-bosses. And if he happened to trip and fall down a bottomless pit or spikes, it's game over and you can never use him again. Sounds more like your playground bully if you ask me.


This is my favorite Megaman game after Megaman 2. I believe this deserved to be at least higher ranked than MMX1 and 2. I really loved the music in this game, it was much better than the music in MMX1 and 2. And the weapons were pretty good as well.

Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage


Secret of Evermore

Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen

Soul Blazer

Mega Man X2


I don't remember exactly what I did when I first heard about this game in late '94, but I must have been ecstatic. That feeling arises any time I hear about a new Mega Man game to this day. Regarding this particular installment, the wire-frame graphics wowed me in addition to the usual format and explosive action.

Super Punch-Out!!

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles In Time


I just beat the Normal and Easy modes of this game for the first time, and damn it was fun. Definitely one of the best beat-em-ups on SNES, but no where near as badass as Batman Returns. Oh, and JRA is right Slash will kick your ass till you have no ass, Super Shredder is a cakewalk.


For my money, this game was the pinnacle of the entire TMNT franchise. Everything that happened in the 80's and 90's came to a glorious climax here. Multiple attacks, the classic enemies, this was the perfect way for the series to bow out. Slash was a fucking pain in the ass though. Harder than Super Shredder.

Zombies Ate My Neighbors


Second only to River City Ransom in terms of being one of the best two-player games I've ever played. I dunno, I really like the concept of throwing tomatos at chainsaw-wielding maniacs and shooting giant babies with water guns.

Oh, and the lawnmower is the best weapon. Period.


Illusion of Gaia


Awesome game. Gameplay is nice so are the graphics the music and the story. It's also kinda different from other RPG's, it's a little like Zelda. I never managed to get all the red jewels, in the manual it showed where they all were but there was always 1 which I couldn't get. It seemed to me it was either a flaw in the manual or the game.

Breath of Fire II

Mortal Kombat II

Donkey Kong Country 2: Diddy's Kong Quest

Super Mario Kart


My favorite Mario Kart game. One of the things I like about this game is that even non-gamers seem to like it. I remember having a SNES at school back in 2002(someone donated it to the school). And one of the games we had was this one. We played it every day and after a while some people even managed to beat me(we always played battle mode)

Star Fox

Donkey Kong Country

Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island


Three words...EPIC BOSS BATTLES! Every boss battle in this game was exciting and fun in its own special way. (Well, maybe not the Potted Ghost.) Pantsing Bashful Burt anyone? Choking the Frog Prince from the inside? Warping to the moon to fight Raphael Raven? Fighting Godzilla Baby Bowser?! The final boss battle alone is so crazy, rescuing Baby Luigi is sort of an anticlimax. Maybe they should have had you rescue Princess Sally Acorn along with him! Wait wrong game. Wrong fucking system for that matter. Oh yes, and the graphics own you!


An excellent platformer, great graphics, gameplay, music, and so much more. The sequel sucks ass, though.

Contra III: The Alien Wars


The difficulty of this game is precisely the reason Game Genie was invented. Shit, the fact that I beat this game with Game Genie when I was a kid is probably why I can still tolerate it today.


Not as hard as Batman Returns, but damn, this game is HARD! But as we all learned from BattleToads, and Contra and Super C, Hard games, do NOT necessarily mean bad games. When you conquer this game, you will think you are the manliest badass in the world, and for good reason! Definitely a MUST HAVE for Action Junkies, and if you own a Super Nintendo. Best 2D action game this side of Strider.



The first game i got for my SNES, and when I first flew down to earth in those kick ass mode 7 graphics, i was hooked. Buy this game! the sim city style parts are great, and the action sequences are better! But where this game really shines for me is the music. Koshiro's best work, Period. Yeah, i said that.

Secret of Mana


This so SHOULD NOT have beaten Metroid.

Super Castlevania IV


I never enjoyed the regular Castlevania games. I only ever liked the RPG ones, starting with Castlevania 2. I don't see why this game made it to #11, it just isn't fun for very long.

Street Fighter II Turbo: Hyper Fighting


Cmon, its Street Fighter 2, but faster. Do I seriously need to say more to make you buy it? No, I don't. CHUN LI FOR THE WIN!



This game is tied with Chrono Trigger as my favorite game of all time. Who wouldn't want to beat the shit out of snakes, hippies, dinosaurs, and other baddies by utilizing a baseball bat, a yo-yo, a frying pan, bottle rockets, and psychic powers? Without a doubt this is the most original RPG ever made, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for something new in RPGs

Final Fantasy IV

Mega Man X


This was the first Mega Man game I played, and is what got me hooked on the series. However, every time I play one of the first seven I keep trying to wallslide. Wallsliding was one of my favorite things about this game ^_^

Chrono Trigger


This was the first RPG I ever played, and a good one at that. I loved the dynamic battle system of this game, and is actually one of the biggest things keeping me from the Final Fantasy games. I fucking hate random encounters. Lucky for me, I still own my CT cartridge, and is actually one of the most valuable games in my collection.

Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars


Pretty good RPG. It was never released in europe untill recently. Square and Nintendo got into a fight right after the American release. You can buy it for the Wii online now.


If you loved the Paper Mario and Mario And Luigi games, you will love this game. Its also one of the funniest game i've ever played.

Super Mario World

Final Fantasy VI


OMG KEFKA BLOWS UP THE WORLD! It's my own fault for having that spoiled to me before I played the game. After all, my introduction to it was Valdronious's Epic Poem. Anyways, while I didn't like this game as much as I liked Chrono Trigger or Super Mario RPG, I will say it had the best story of the three. I'll also say that the characters were more fun to watch interact with each other than to play. Like Locke for instance. I rarely used his steal technique. It's useful when you first get him, but by the World Of Ruin, I had enough cash where I could by all the items I needed. But it is well worth finding him in the World Of Ruin just because it adds such a giant piece of the overall puzzle.

Fun Fact: The first time I fought Kefka, I thought as soon as a party member died, he/she would be instantly replaced with the next person in line, so I put all the useless people in battle first so they'd get killed and the battle would in a glorious stand off between Kefka vs. Locke, Celes, Edgar and Terra. It doesn't work that way so needless to say, I killed Kefka before making it half way down my roster, and that's without reviving anyway.

Super Metroid


Fuck Zelda, this game is the best experience you can get on the SNES.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past


This is the first game I ever remember playing, and a good one at that. Absolutely FANTASTIC but I always hated the room in Turtle Rock where you had to use the Fire Rod to light torches from a moving platform. But anyway, Excellent gameplay & graphics, albeit the music could have been better.


I'd say this is one of the most overrated games of all time, however everyone I've mentioned it to seems to disagree, so maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not.


This game rules for three simple reasons. The Bombos Medallion, the Ether Medallion, and the Quake Medallion. Also, the music holds up surprisingly well.


I wouldn't have voted this #1 but still a very good game and should be in the top 5. This game was better than Ocarina of Time(N64) imo. It's a little easy though, this is one of the Zelda games I beat with 3 hearts(I also beat OoT, The Wind Waker and The Twilight Princess with 3 hearts)


I always get bored with Zelda titles halfway through, and I quit playing and play something more fun, like say, Strider, or.... Call Of Duty 4. Its no exception for this game. I acknowledge that this game is good, and if you have the patience to sit through a zelda game, you will probably join the millions of fanboys who say this game is the best game ever. I personally think its one of the most overrated ever.