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LexiaBot9000 is an IRC bot run by Fernin in the SydLexia.com IRC channel. The bot was added as a trivia game, though right now the trivia sucks (send Fernin some good pop culture questions about the 80's and early 90's, damnit!).

On / Off

The bot will only function when it is given voice. To turn the bot on, have an op give it voice with the command /voice LexiaBot9000. Turn it off with /devoice LexiaBot9000.


This is a list of some bot commands. More may be added.

Command & Syntax
What it does Example Input Example Output
!time Outputs Time !time It is 21:27:48 right now
!date Outputs Date & Time !date Today is Thu Jan 22 21:30:43 2009.
!calc (equation) Solves Equation !calc 1+1 GPFontaine, result is: 2
!roll Rolls two dice !roll rolls the dice for GPFontaine: 1 and 3 = 4
!random (number)(number) Generates an integer between the two numbers !random 6 10 8
!seen (name) State when a person was last in the channel !seen GPFontaine GPFontaine was last seen quitting IRC 11 mins ago
Trivia Game
!rank (name)
Start & Stop the Trivia Game or check someone's rank. !start
!rank GPFontaine
Starting Trivia.
Trivia stopped.
GPFontaine has 2 points.
!addquestion Submit a question for the trivia game. !addquestion You will receive a private message from LexiaBot9000, follow the instructions. If you see someone else do this and want to add your own question, wait a second for the other person to finish, or the bot gets confused. All question are checked before being added.
High/Low Game
!hl (on/off) (number)
!hl (number guess)
High / Low game !hl on 10
!hl 5
!hl off
Higher/Lower game enabled
Higher, GPFontaine
Higher/Lower game disabled.
Timebomb Game
!timebomb (name)
!snip (color)
Timebomb game... this shit is just mean. Limit your usage or you will be booted. !timebomb GPFontaine
!snip orange
straps a bomb to GPFontaine's back. The display reads [45] seconds.
...snip GPFontaine was booted from #sydlexia by LexiaBot9000 (*BOOOM!*)

Trigger Words

The bot also triggers off of some words and phrases, such as "Porn", "Bot", and "bored". No, they're not all going to be listed. Finding them is half the fun.

Some commands and triggers will only work when the bot has ops.