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Revision as of 04:26, 28 June 2009 by SydLexia (talk | contribs)
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Basically an idiot, he Stumbled Upon the SydLexia.com website and it went downhill from there.

He joined in March 2009 after realizing that he didn't spend enough time on his computer talking to people he's never met. He has since remedied this to a larger extent by joining the IRC channel.

He doesn't post often, but when he does, it's usually in the General Discussion. He is usually found in IRC at night.


Fat, lazy, and plays bass. Prefers pizza to most food, except cheeseburgers from a local place.

Kicked out of two IL colleges, which he twistedly considers an achievement.


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Musical Thing

He plays bass in an IL band "Course9," which, hopefully, will stop sucking soon. A dirty fanboy of The Offspring, he finally attended one of their concerts on June 20th, 2009.