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Lordsathien joined the Sydlexia forums back in the Winter of '05 (making him member #18) after stumbling across the site's article ranking the coolness level of all the Robot Masters from the Classic Mega Man series up to Mega Man 7.

Notable Threads

The Video Game Name Chain As an exercise that might pique the forum's interests while also giving him something to do before getting a job, Lordsathien decided to see just how long a chain of game titles he could make without using the exact same name again. He hasn't considered making a longer chain since then, but welcomes anyone who can make a longer chain than 57 games. [1]

Lord Sathien's Actor's Spotlight In an attempt at creating a monthly article without all the pomp and formatting of one of the cover ones on the main site, Lordsathien decided to highlight the career (both former and current) of actors he deemed to be of "C" or "low-B" celebrity.

  • April: John Kassir[2]
  • May: Barry Gordon[3]
  • June: Danny Cooksey[4]
  • July: Thomas Francis Wilson, Jr.[5]
  • August: No one. Because of scheduling issues, he was unable to pull one together and instead posted a youtube video of Bruce Lee's first screen test.[6]
  • September: Robert "Bob" Picardo[7]
  • October: Jason Marsden [8]

October is the last of the monthly articles. Now working full-tme on top of other obligations, he doesn't have the time to hunt down the images, information, and format them on a monthly basis. His one regret with the monthly articles was that he never covered a female, notably regarding Trek actresses as too easy and well-followed to cover. If you asked him who his first actress to be featured would be, he would tell you it'd probably have been Amy Jo Johnson.


  • One of the few active forum members from/in the Southern United States (the only others being the mysterious DrBoron of Athens, Ga [only three posts, two from 2005 and one from 2007]; Neutral-Bob; and SSNintendo)
  • Is the only furry among the active forum members, as far as he knows. (Royal Scottish is apparently also one judging from his deviantart page [9], but he never made a single post so nyeh!)