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Who Made It?

Konami made Gradius

When Did They Make It?


What System Was It On?

It was an arcade game, but it was ported to the NES

What Year Was It Ported?


What Kind Of Game Was It?

Shoot-em up

Except there was a ship and not a shirtless dude

Was It Good?

It was groundbreaking.

Was It As Good As Contra?

Probably. Many people consider it to be the pre-Contra. This statistic is 100% true.

How Was It Similar To Contra?

It was a shoot-em-up. Oh, and it used the Konami Code. In fact, it was the first game to use the Konami Code. Okay, so it was a completely fucking different game.


Gradius was a shoot-em-up released by Konami in 1985. It was originally an arcade game, but it was ported to the NES. Some people considered it to be groundbreaking. Gradius was the first game to use the Konami Code, contrary to popular belief that Contra was the first. The main difference between Gradius and Contra was that Gradius had a ship and Contra had a person. They were both shoot-em-ups, but very different.