Kara Borden

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Kara Beth Borden

Kara Beth Borden (born February 6, 1991) is an American girl from Lititz, Pennsylvania. She was raised on promises. Her parents were tragically murdered to death by her 18-year-old boyfriend, David Ludwig, on November 13, 2005. She shares her birthday with Ronald Reagan, Axl Rose, and Bob Marley.


Borden was missing for 24 hours after her parents, Michael F. and Cathryn Borden were killed, seemingly abducted by her boyfriend. Ludwig was arrested on November 14, 2005, after a high speed chase ended in a crash. He was charged with murdering Borden's parents following an argument over Borden lying about attending a sleepover, when instead she spent the night with Ludwig. On November 16, Ludwig was sent back to Pennsylvania after waiving extradition. Shortly after, he confessed to the murders.

According to Ludwig, Borden had spent the night at his house, after which he had dropped her off at home around 5:30 AM. Ludwig waited for a text message from Borden, letting him know that she had successfully made it back without incident, presumably by sneaking into the house undetected. However, the text message never came. After several attempts to reach Borden, Ludwig finally contacted her at around 6:15 AM. Borden informed him that she had gotten caught and asked him to come over so her parents could talk to him. At this point, Ludwig grabbed two guns and a hunting knife and traveled to the Bordens' house, arriving around 7 AM. Ludwig and Michael Borden argued for about 45 minutes, at which time Michael Borden allegedly stated that Ludwig was no longer allowed to see his daughter. Ludwig then allegedly shot Michael Borden in the back and proceeded to shoot Cathryn Borden who was sitting in the living room. Ludwig left the scene and then returned in hopes to find Kara, who had run out of the house after the first shooting. It was not long before Kara ran towards his vehicle and according to Ludwig, asked him to drive as far west as possible so they could marry and start a new life together. Surveillance videos, from the teens' three-state run, appear to show that Kara accompanied Ludwig willingly and a subsequent investigation confirmed this. [1] Kidnapping charges against Ludwig were withdrawn.


As of 2006, a guardian has been appointed for Borden, and she is represented by legal counsel. A court affidavit released on November 22, 2005, negated a charge of kidnapping against David G. Ludwig, and concluded that Borden fled with Ludwig of her "own free will". Ludwig's lawyer has reportedly stated that Borden willingly accompanied Ludwig in their three-state flight, and surveillance tapes indicate Borden had ample opportunity to escape. Borden has admitted she ran after Ludwig as he left her home; Borden claims she wanted to marry Ludwig. Borden's situation is similar to that of Caril Ann Fugate, the 14-year-old girlfriend of Charles Starkweather.

Kara Beth is regarded as a victim,[2] [3] and no charges have been brought against her by the Lancaster County District Attorney, based on statements made by her and Ludwig during the investigation,[4] and also based on the evidence collected, including e-mails, blogs and text messages.[5]

In June 2006, in a plea deal with District Attorney Donald R. Totaro (who had been asking for the death penalty), Ludwig pled guilty to two counts of first-degree murder and other charges and was immediately sentenced to two consecutive life sentences in prison.[6]

Kara Borden and SydLexia.com

In November of 2007, Syd Lexia was looking for a way to attract new visitors to his growing website, which had recently turned one year old. Turning on CNN one morning, he saw a report about the shooting of Kara's parents and her supposed kidnapping. Intrigued, he did a MySpace search and immediately found her webpage. At that moment, Syd decided to start repeatedly mentioning the case in his blog as a cheap way of attracting hits; he also mirrored several of Kara Borden and David Ludwig's personal pages. The ploy, while cheap, was successful at stabilizing SydLexia.com's falling Alexa rating.

References and external links