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Ermac in 1998 with no shirt and no life but still has his nantendo!
Wants to make sweet,sweet love to this japanese beauty

Ermac is a member of the Forums, he is a Senior at the University of Memphis. He is 25 years old and grew up playing the NES, watching Pro Wrestling and following the NBA. He found this site looking for the top NES games of all time and initially registered under the username "ReaXan". He came back a year later and decided to stay for good shortly after the top SNES list came out and after realizing that many forum members were in his age group.

Life Outside of the Forums

Ermac really isn't a nerd(doesn't play cards) but he isn't a jock either( didn't play HS sports). He is a runner though and enjoys working out when he isn't sitting at his computer desk being lazy. He builds computers as a hobby and can fix almost any computer problem you can throw at him. He offered to send Dr.Jeebus a computer, but he didn't want to pay the shipping on it which would have been insane.

Departure and Return

Ermac had some sand in his vagina and decided to leave the forums for like 2 weeks. He realized it was a retarded decision and decided to come back.


Ermac doesn't get along with UsaSatsui or SevereFlame, we will leave it at that.

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