
From Sydapedia
Revision as of 18:32, 26 May 2008 by Jonnymorgue (talk | contribs)
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jonnymorgue is/was/might-have-been/could-still-be a forum member, joined late 2006.


jonnymorgue (concatenated, noncapitalized) is an Iowa-native forum member, with no primary specialties aside from amateur, mediocre graphic manipulation and puns. He worked as a computer consultant for Dark Maze Studios and hopes it's proprietor is not totally pissed off with jonnymorgue's sub-par skills.


Through the disorganization of changing jobs, residences, and relationships, much of jonnymorgue's time to dedicate to the forums became infrequent to the point of many-moon absences. He hopes the 2008 NES Championshipwill aid him in truancy problem and revive him as a fully active participant of the forums. He also hopes to not get dickstabbed by Syd or anyone else for speaking in the third person by creating his own wiki page.