Locked threads
A locked thread is a thread that has been locked, meaning posting for that topic has been closed for further posting for several reasons. Some of those reasons include:
- Too many forumers are being douchebags
- The thread is pointless and/or is prone to flame wars.
- A combination of the above.
Locked Threads
There have been several locked threads in the history of the SydLexia.com forums. Here is an archive of those threads by name:
A kidnappers favorite kind of parent.
attn: sydlexia See also: April Fool's Joke 2006
The article that was kidnapped by ninjas
Bin Laden offers truce to the U.S. in his new tape
Can we all please calm the fuck down?
Extra-Crunchy Character Battle Cage-Match: Jeebus vs JonSnow
First person to post without having their name changed wins!
For the complete morons who think I'm fat
Fuck Apple. Fuck them so hard.
Italy: Atheist sues priest for saying Jesus existed.
Make a poem about a pussy and a dick
Miniature Sunday football rant
The Murdar-Clyde Tie: What Shall We Do Now?
Presidential Address to the Nation
Sorry (Happy April Fool's Day.)
Spider-Man 3 (and overall franchise)
This Thursday is the end of the world.
What snowmen do in the summertime!