Time Split

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Revision as of 17:25, 21 September 2011 by Fernin (talk | contribs) (New page: On Wednesday, September 21, 2011, docinsano's car was towed. While unfortunate, this isn't the point of this page, it was merely the topic of conversation between 6 people who were split b...)
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On Wednesday, September 21, 2011, docinsano's car was towed. While unfortunate, this isn't the point of this page, it was merely the topic of conversation between 6 people who were split between two time frames. Fernin, doc, Alowishus, and Sehk were all on one side of the time split, while Lexy, Satsui and bitwise were sending and receiving messages at roughly a half hour time difference. Lexy was the only one able to communicate across both time frames.

tl;dr - The chat was split between two time frames, miscommunication and hilarity ensued.

[13:38:13] * docinsano (~chatzilla@c-###.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) has joined #sydlexia
[13:38:22] <docinsano> fuck
[13:38:35] <docinsano> my car may have been towed
[13:38:42] <docinsano> or worse, stolen
[13:40:20] * docinsano hopes not though
[13:42:45] * M3GA_MAN (~M3GA@###) has joined #sydlexia
[13:42:50] * Toggy (~skalin@###) Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[13:42:50] * skalin (~skalin@###) has joined #sydlexia
[13:44:33] <TheGreatPumpkin> is this is what happens
[13:44:43] <TheGreatPumpkin> when you dont go to texaco lol
[13:44:46] <TheGreatPumpkin> seriously though
[13:44:56] <TheGreatPumpkin> where did ou lose it?
[13:45:41] <docinsano> it was parked on the street outside my apt
[13:45:52] <docinsano> i walked to get coffee and go to the bank
[13:45:56] <docinsano> and now its gone
[13:46:02] <docinsano> god damn it
[13:46:45] <TheGreatPumpkin> have you phoned the police?
[13:46:59] <docinsano> yeah i called the city
[13:47:30] <@Fernin> definitely best to put in a stolen vehicle report right away
[13:47:35] <docinsano> i haven't reported it stolen yet since it was possibly parked too close to an alley or driveway
[13:47:55] <docinsano> it was less than 5 ft
[13:48:04] <@Fernin> don't they have to leave you some kind of notice when they tow your car?
[13:48:06] <docinsano> so it is quite possible it was towed
[13:48:27] <docinsano> I have no idea
[13:49:02] <docinsano> they mail a notice to the registered owner of the vehicle i guess
[13:49:17] * Sehkmaenzo (c8db8446@ircip2.mibbit.com) has joined #sydlexia
[13:50:54] <@Fernin> looking around online, doc, folks are advising others to call 911 and give them the license plate number, if it was towed, they'll have it in their police database
[13:50:56] * Sehkmaenzo is now known as Guest56679-44996
[13:51:06] * @Fernin blinks.
[13:51:13] <@Fernin> how'd you get a 10 digit guest number, Sehk?
[13:51:16] <docinsano> yeah i called 311, the non emergency line
[13:51:21] * Guest56679-44996 is now known as Sehk_Whoops
[13:51:28] <docinsano> it wasn't in the database yet
[13:51:28] <Sehk_Whoops> lol
[13:51:31] <Sehk_Whoops> Iunno :P
[13:51:46] <Sehk_Whoops> Hey Fern hey Bonersano
[13:51:52] <docinsano> sup Sehk
[13:52:43] <@Fernin> if it's not in the database by now, sounds like a good chance that it was stolen :\
[13:52:47] <Sehk_Whoops> Nickserv only said they'd change it to the first number, I don't know where the second one came from :|
[13:53:04] <docinsano> the woman told me to call back in an hour
[13:53:15] <docinsano> "sometimes it doesn't get updated that fast"
[13:53:41] <docinsano> but yeah i'll report it stolen if it hasn't shown up when i call
[13:53:56] <Sehk_Whoops> Report what stolen?
[13:54:01] <docinsano> my car
[13:54:06] <Sehk_Whoops> Oh
[13:54:34] <docinsano> I'm calling
[13:54:44] <TheGreatPumpkin> yeah man its better that you call
[13:56:11] <docinsano> Towed
[13:56:13] <docinsano> fuck
[13:56:25] <Sehk_Whoops> lol towed is better than stolen?
[13:56:27] <@Fernin> better towed than stolen
[13:56:34] <Sehk_Whoops> ^
[13:56:34] <docinsano> it is
[13:56:35] <docinsano> well guys
[13:56:45] <docinsano> I'm off to the impound
[13:56:49] <docinsano> to get my car
[13:56:53] <@Fernin> here's hoping you don't have to shell out a lot to get it back
[13:57:03] <docinsano> $138
[13:57:11] <Sehk_Whoops> Ugh
[13:57:22] <docinsano> and a possible ticket
[13:57:25] <Sehk_Whoops> what was wrong with it? Just illegally parked?
[13:57:39] <docinsano> "blocking alley"
[13:57:51] <Sehk_Whoops> :/
[13:58:36] <Sehk_Whoops> Offer to pay with an elaborate musical performance, or maybe the drawing of a spider
[13:58:51] <docinsano> city of minneapolis ain't friendly when it comes to this shit i guess
[13:59:10] <docinsano> it'll be worse in winter
[13:59:58] <docinsano> OK time to go
[14:00:10] <Sehk_Whoops> Later Doc
[14:00:13] <docinsano> i'll report back when I get my car
[14:00:17] <docinsano> laters
[14:00:19] * docinsano (~chatzilla@c-###.hsd1.mn.comcast.net) Quit (Quit: boner)
[14:00:33] <Sehk_Whoops> I forgot to ask if his car was /worth/ 138 bucks
[14:01:32] <@Fernin> lol
[14:02:01] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol drawing of a spider
[14:02:08] <TheGreatPumpkin> can you send me the drawing back please
[14:02:11] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:02:20] <Sehk_Whoops> lol yeah that dude is awesome :D
[14:02:54] <+Andrew_Man> wow, that sucks
[14:02:59] <+Andrew_Man> what happened?
[14:03:18] <Sehk_Whoops> His latest shenanigans was him changing the title of his coworker's business card, from "graphic designer" to "Horse Whisperer" :O:O
[14:03:32] <TheGreatPumpkin> the best one
[14:03:37] <TheGreatPumpkin> is the missing cat poster ithink it is
[14:03:37] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:03:46] <Sehk_Whoops> :D
[14:03:58] <@Fernin> who is this, now?
[14:04:21] <Sehk_Whoops> David Thorne, I think his name was
[14:04:43] <@Fernin> doc's car got towed from outside his apartment for being close to blocking the alley, Andrew
[14:08:32] * BlazingGlory (~BlazingGl@dhcp-###.eg4.ohiou.edu) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[14:09:49] <bitwise> Captain Buzzkill of the SS Party Pooper
[14:10:09] <bitwise> Those were the names of the driver and tow truck
[14:10:29] <Sehk_Whoops> Doc was towed by a ship? That's pretty awesome
[14:11:23] * UsaSatsui (~EvilBunny@pool-###.bstnma.east.verizon.net) has joined #sydlexia
[14:11:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +o UsaSatsui
[14:13:12] <Sehk_Whoops> Hey Bunny
[14:13:20] <@UsaSatsui> Hey there sexy people
[14:13:35] <Sehk_Whoops> ;)
[14:14:03] <@Fernin> hey Satsui
[14:14:45] <@UsaSatsui> ...I'm sorry?
[14:14:56] <TheGreatPumpkin> yes i am sexilicious thanks for noticing
[14:15:40] <@UsaSatsui> Your car got stolen?
[14:16:00] * @Fernin scratches his head.
[14:16:11] <@Fernin> you have this place bugged or something, Satsui?
[14:16:20] <Sehk_Whoops> ]are you a wizard? O.o
[14:16:20] <@Fernin> how'd you know we were talking about that?
[14:17:54] <@UsaSatsui> You need to call the police, they will tell you if it was towed for that reason. All tows need to be called in to the police station, at least everywhere
[14:18:09] <@UsaSatsui> It still sucks, but sucks less than it getting stolen.
[14:18:15] <@UsaSatsui> They do not, Fernin
[14:18:26] <Sehk_Whoops> ...Are you insanely lagged or something?
[14:18:37] <@Fernin> he must be, yeah
[14:18:49] <@Fernin> this is crazy weird, those messages are what... a half hour old?
[14:19:03] <Sehk_Whoops> Can someone be /so/ lagged that it doesn't even show when they enter the room?
[14:19:09] <@UsaSatsui> It's not really feasible, for one thing
[14:19:28] <Sehk_Whoops> /YOU'RE/ not feasible! >:|
[14:19:32] <bitwise> Spray-paint the road where your car was
[14:19:35] <bitwise> "WE TOOK YOUR CAR"
[14:19:40] <@Fernin> lol
[14:19:50] <@UsaSatsui> But again, if it was towed for any reason (blocking a driveway/not allowed to park there/car too ugly for the neighborhood) they have to tell the police
[14:19:55] <bitwise> Sup Sehk
[14:20:04] <Sehk_Whoops> Hey Bitwizard
[14:20:07] <@UsaSatsui> Either that, or the police ordered the tow in the first place
[14:20:21] <@UsaSatsui> Wrecker drivers are the scummiest people out there, though
[14:20:38] <Sehk_Whoops> This is like a flashback, only it's a flashback of a boring part of your day or something
[14:20:58] <@UsaSatsui> That's not slander, either, they're fucking proud of being slime
[14:21:00] <@Fernin> I had no idea that this level of lag was possible
[14:21:12] <@Fernin> although, it does make me feel better about Lexy being in the state he's currently in...
[14:21:17] <@Fernin> !define random
[14:21:31] <Sehk_Whoops> The funny part is, he didn't even notice it yet. He must be used to being ignored :(
[14:21:46] <@Fernin> any time from about 5-15 minutes from now, Lexy'll respond, been like that all day
[14:22:05] <Sehk_Whoops> I feel like I'm in that movie where the chick kept getting mail from a dude in the past >:|
[14:22:10] <@Fernin> lol
[14:24:04] <@UsaSatsui> Call and report it stolen
[14:24:10] <@UsaSatsui> Like, now.
[14:24:30] <Sehk_Whoops> Haha Doc is probably already /in/ his car by now :P
[14:24:43] <@UsaSatsui> If it is stolen, the sooner you get the report in, the sooner it can be found, and if it isn't, they will notify you if it ends up in the yard
[14:24:44] <@Fernin> at least both the bunny and I had the same idea around (what I'm assuming is) the same time, reporting it stolen ASAP
[14:25:15] <Sehk_Whoops> Yeah, he's probably like :" Fern is just repeating all my ideas!!!! >:|"
[14:25:56] <@UsaSatsui> Kinda sucks, Doc. Sorry. I know the feeling of going out there and finding my car gone
[14:26:07] <Sehk_Whoops> I don't think he's particularly mad about it, I just assume ">:|" is his everyday face :P
[14:26:17] <@UsaSatsui> I got my car towed out of my fucking assigned parking space because my tag fell on the floor.
[14:26:39] <@UsaSatsui> His virginity
[14:26:50] <@UsaSatsui> It took off in the middle of the night, he's desperate to find it
[14:27:06] <@Fernin> lol, that must've been in response to Andrew's question
[14:27:15] <Sehk_Whoops> ok, I located bunny in time... yeah
[14:27:33] <Sehk_Whoops> half an hour
[14:29:00] <bitwise> "Officer, I'd like to report a robbery -- this girl stole my heart"
[14:29:13] <Sehk_Whoops> I feel like I should have sent him a PM a while ago, but it's just too funny for that :P
[14:29:36] <Sehk_Whoops> *for me to do that
[14:30:05] <@UsaSatsui> Yeah. That's a good way to get the "911 is only for emergencies" lecture. Not a fun one
[14:30:08] <@Fernin> I sent him a PM about 10 minutes ago, simply asking him to tell me what time it was when he got it... he hasn't responded yet
[14:30:11] <bitwise> At least it's not at the bottom of a river somewhere with a body in the trunk
[14:30:21] <@UsaSatsui> Not if he's insured against theft.
[14:30:27] <Sehk_Whoops> ... Send Bit one too >_>
[14:30:35] <bitwise> Yeah but then the police want to know why you had a body in your trunk
[14:30:47] <@Fernin> wow, that one was 40 minutes behind
[14:30:59] <@Fernin> I think I'll hop into one of the ops channels and ask around about this lag...
[14:31:02] <Sehk_Whoops> We're losing them D:
[14:31:11] * @Fernin pokes bitwise with a time stick.
[14:31:19] <@UsaSatsui> ...that's actually not bad
[14:31:37] <@UsaSatsui> Oh, that's bad
[14:31:56] <@UsaSatsui> Yeah, I had that "Don't block a driveway" lesson
[14:32:00] <Sehk_Whoops> teehee
[14:32:05] <TheGreatPumpkin> is usa in a time loop or some shit
[14:32:09] <@UsaSatsui> You usually won't get a ticket for that, at least I never did.
[14:32:23] <Sehk_Whoops> He sniffed some grandfather clock dust
[14:32:24] <@Fernin> he's experiencing the most massive lag spike to ever hit #sydlexia, Alow
[14:32:40] <@UsaSatsui> Unless your city sucks
[14:32:42] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:32:58] <TheGreatPumpkin> my city does suck usa
[14:33:00] <TheGreatPumpkin> tell me more
[14:33:05] <@Fernin> lol
[14:33:18] <bitwise> All that itsy-bitsy spider research will sure come in handy for either
[14:33:42] <Sehk_Whoops> ...Now I'm gonna be all paranoid and have to do time checks every 30 minutes or so :/
[14:33:47] <@Fernin> ...I can't tell if bitwise is time lagged as well, or just screwing around
[14:33:55] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:33:58] <Sehk_Whoops> lol yeah same here
[14:34:02] <TheGreatPumpkin> !ping bitwise
[14:34:06] <TheGreatPumpkin> does that even work lol
[14:34:07] <TheGreatPumpkin> !ping
[14:34:09] <@Fernin> lol, nope
[14:34:14] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol awh well lol
[14:34:23] <@Fernin> you might get a ping response in about... 20-30 minutes or so
[14:34:28] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:34:28] <Sehk_Whoops> Also, neither does the bot :P
[14:34:39] <TheGreatPumpkin> i noticed that earlier when me and doc were talking about temperatures
[14:34:41] <@Fernin> I did a !time check... 34 minutes ago, still no response from Lexy
[14:34:43] <@UsaSatsui> Yeah, cities get fucking hardcore about parking enforcement in winter
[14:34:47] <Sehk_Whoops> so, the bot is also in pastvillle?
[14:35:09] <@UsaSatsui> Go in with like a sledgehammer and scream a lot with your pants...oh he left
[14:35:10] <@Fernin> the bot is in pastville
[14:35:15] <@Fernin> it's literally like a window to the past
[14:35:21] <@Fernin> Lexy /just/ got the message about doc leaving
[14:35:32] <Sehk_Whoops> haha so did bunny
[14:35:44] <@Fernin> hey, I just got my !time response :D
[14:35:54] <@Fernin> [14:00:52] <@Fernin> !time
[14:35:54] <@Fernin> [14:35:33] <@Lexiabot9000> It is 14:35:33 EDT right now.
[14:35:59] <Sehk_Whoops> I hereby declare this the first #sydlexia Time split
[14:36:03] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:36:10] <TheGreatPumpkin> im proud to be witnessing this moment
[14:36:28] <Sehk_Whoops> Me too *.*
[14:36:35] <@UsaSatsui> ...dude, this isn't Brazil, where you can buy a house for 50 bucks, 70 if you want a pool.
[14:36:38] <@Fernin> bit is definitely among those trapped in a time bubble
[14:36:40] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:36:50] <Sehk_Whoops> Fern must be double proud, he gets to witness both moments :P
[14:36:51] <@Fernin> the itsy bitsy spider thing he mentioned was in response to the spider drawing
[14:36:52] <@UsaSatsui> A car is worth probably 200 bucks in scrap metal alone
[14:36:55] <TheGreatPumpkin> i like to think usa is sitting behind his computer going WHY IS NO ONE POSTING
[14:37:16] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:37:16] <Sehk_Whoops> Ha ha he's talking trash about my joke it's so cute :P
[14:37:19] <TheGreatPumpkin> bitwise has been lost
[14:37:24] <@Fernin> I'm still most curious about what Sehk said earlier, how has Satsui not realized that no one is responding to him?
[14:37:34] <Sehk_Whoops> More like bitWAS
[14:37:39] <TheGreatPumpkin> dohohohoho
[14:37:45] <@UsaSatsui> Oh my jokes about non American people are SO funny
[14:37:48] <@UsaSatsui> !define laugh
[14:37:48] <@Lexiabot9000> laugh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H47ow4_Cmk0 Coming soon in mind blowing HD quality!
[14:37:50] <TheGreatPumpkin> they are so funny
[14:37:54] <TheGreatPumpkin> insert tidus laugh
[14:38:06] <@UsaSatsui> ...what
[14:38:07] <@Fernin> aww... past people get instant access to Lexy
[14:38:09] <Sehk_Whoops> This is surreal
[14:38:12] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol this is eerie
[14:38:19] <@UsaSatsui> !defrem laugh
[14:38:19] <@Lexiabot9000> laugh was removed from database.
[14:38:19] <TheGreatPumpkin> <TheGreatPumpkin> they are so funny<TheGreatPumpkin> insert tidus laugh<@UsaSatsui> ...what
[14:38:23] <TheGreatPumpkin> it's like he replied to me
[14:38:24] <@UsaSatsui> !defadd laugh http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H47ow4_Cmk0
[14:38:24] <@Lexiabot9000> laugh stored successfully.
[14:38:25] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:38:27] <@Fernin> lol, it is
[14:38:31] <Sehk_Whoops> See, I have /work/ to do, but I wanna see how this ends D:
[14:38:38] <TheGreatPumpkin> i have the chat log lol
[14:38:41] <TheGreatPumpkin> ill send you it haha
[14:38:47] <@UsaSatsui> Remind me to punish hack for that.
[14:38:50] <@UsaSatsui> Even if he didn't do it
[14:39:00] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:39:09] <@Fernin> it was, indeed, Hack who did that
[14:39:10] <TheGreatPumpkin> it's like a memo posted into the future
[14:39:19] <@Fernin> never should've given Hack his !define privileges back...
[14:39:23] <Sehk_Whoops> If only this wasn't like 500 lines, we could have put it in the memorable quotes :/
[14:39:43] <@Fernin> I'm gonna make a wiki page out of it, like I did with the infamous m3ga / Hawk argument night
[14:39:53] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:39:55] <@UsaSatsui> Andrew?
[14:39:57] <TheGreatPumpkin> why have i not seen this page
[14:39:59] <@Fernin> this is IRC history, right here
[14:40:14] <Sehk_Whoops> 1st time split EVAH!
[14:40:41] * TheGreatPumpkin smashes a champagne bottle on the side of his computer
[14:41:08] <@Fernin> http://history.sydlexia.com/index.php?title=M3GA_MAN_vs._SoldierHawk
[14:41:12] <@Fernin> enjoy, Alow
[14:41:17] <TheGreatPumpkin> woo cheers
[14:41:21] * Sehk_Whoops enjoys it too :3
[14:43:10] <Sehk_Whoops> Awww reading this reminded me of Figgy :(
[14:44:05] <bitwise> UsaSatsui, I think that was Hack
[14:44:12] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:44:13] <bitwise> People were talking about an HD FFX remake
[14:44:17] <@Lexiabot9000> testing, 1, 2, 3
[14:44:18] <TheGreatPumpkin> everyone thinks it was hack
[14:44:22] <@Fernin> whoa, what?
[14:44:25] <TheGreatPumpkin> LOL
[14:44:25] <@UsaSatsui> Yeah, almost certain it was
[14:44:27] <TheGreatPumpkin> IT'S ALIVE
[14:44:28] <@Fernin> I can talk through Lexy in real time
[14:44:33] <@Fernin> but it's still getting past messages
[14:44:37] <@UsaSatsui> Why did we give him bot access back again?
[14:44:53] <Sehk_Whoops> Haha he figured it out on his own :3
[14:44:57] <bitwise> Because he's a mature, responsible adult
[14:44:57] <@Lexiabot9000> this is weird... Earth calling bitwise and Satsui
[14:45:06] <TheGreatPumpkin> i can't wait until usa is like "oh wait chat is lagging"
[14:45:06] <bitwise> Hi Lexy
[14:45:09] <TheGreatPumpkin> or maybe he doesn't know
[14:45:12] <TheGreatPumpkin> that's the saddest thing
[14:45:15] <Sehk_Whoops> Wait WHAT?
[14:45:19] <@UsaSatsui> Hey Earth
[14:45:22] <TheGreatPumpkin> this may be the most tragic thing i have ever witnessed
[14:45:22] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:45:24] <@Lexiabot9000> we've entered not a net split... but a time split
[14:45:30] <Sehk_Whoops> Tell them about the time split! D:
[14:45:33] <bitwise> Oh shi--
[14:45:40] <Sehk_Whoops> This is SO WEIRD
[14:45:42] <@UsaSatsui> !calc 1/0
[14:45:42] <@Lexiabot9000> UsaSatsui, result is: 0
[14:45:44] <bitwise> Are you my future self come back to warn me?
[14:45:45] * Sehk_Whoops freaks out
[14:45:47] <@UsaSatsui> SHIT
[14:45:54] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol it's all usa's fault he divided by 0
[14:46:30] <@Lexiabot9000> Fernin, Sehk, and Alow are all on the other side of the time split, in the future... you will get a lot of their messages about 30 minutes from now
[14:46:39] <@Lexiabot9000> they got your messages about 30 minutes after you sent them
[14:46:46] <@Lexiabot9000> somehow, Lexy is in both time frames
[14:47:01] <@Fernin> testing, 1 2 1 2
[14:47:04] * Sehk_Whoops re-enlists into Lexi's Army
[14:47:08] <@UsaSatsui> So...I'm 30 minutes behind?
[14:47:11] <@Lexiabot9000> I just posted as Fernin, but it didn't appear on this screen
[14:47:13] <Sehk_Whoops> I for oen welcome our Time Overlord
[14:47:20] <Sehk_Whoops> *one
[14:47:24] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:47:38] <@Lexiabot9000> there's a 30 minute split, but we're not sure who's behind and who's ahead anymore
[14:47:40] <TheGreatPumpkin> usa you are getting this message in the future: you are gay
[14:47:47] <Sehk_Whoops> lol
[14:47:56] <@Lexiabot9000> each one seems to be ahead from the other's perspective
[14:48:00] <@UsaSatsui> !Fucking weird
[14:48:04] * Sehk_Whoops sets a timer for Alow being kicked 1000 seconds from now
[14:48:09] <TheGreatPumpkin> NO
[14:48:16] * @UsaSatsui (~EvilBunny@pool-###.bstnma.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110902133214])
[14:48:19] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:48:27] <@Fernin> man, I have to leave in about 10 minutes... we'll lose our link between the time frames
[14:48:31] <TheGreatPumpkin> wait does that mean he doesn't get the messages
[14:48:34] <Sehk_Whoops> NOOOOO
[14:48:38] <@Fernin> not a clue, Alow
[14:48:43] <Sehk_Whoops> Bit is still in the past!
[14:48:50] <Sehk_Whoops> Seriously, someone make a movie about this
[14:48:52] <TheGreatPumpkin> we need to send you BACK TO THE FUTURE
[14:49:04] * UsaSatsui (~EvilBunny@pool-###.bstnma.east.verizon.net) has joined #sydlexia
[14:49:05] * ChanServ sets mode: +o UsaSatsui
[14:49:14] <TheGreatPumpkin> oh damn right he is still getting the messages
[14:49:16] <Sehk_Whoops> Are you reading this bunny
[14:49:17] <@UsaSatsui> Did I switch sides, I wonder
[14:49:18] <@Fernin> testing, do you read me, Satsui?
[14:49:25] <@UsaSatsui> I see you
[14:49:27] <@Fernin> now Lexy isn't seeing Satsui's messages
[14:49:34] <@Fernin> lol, he made the time jump
[14:49:35] <Sehk_Whoops> Cool, you crossed over
[14:49:39] <TheGreatPumpkin> welcome
[14:49:42] <TheGreatPumpkin> to the future!
[14:49:48] <@Fernin> welcome back to the present, bunny
[14:49:49] <Sehk_Whoops> SERIOUSLY, make a movie about this, someone D:
[14:49:49] <@UsaSatsui> I'm in the cool side of the chat room now
[14:50:02] <@Lexiabot9000> bit, if you're still there, try reconnecting
[14:50:09] <@UsaSatsui> I see Lexy
[14:50:13] <@Fernin> Lexy's the only one that can post in both time frames, it's weird
[14:50:25] <Sehk_Whoops> Lexy is a Time Overlord
[14:50:28] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:50:30] <@Fernin> posting in the present, but seeing messages from the past
[14:50:33] <TheGreatPumpkin> Snake created a time paradox.
[14:51:02] <@UsaSatsui> !define snake
[14:51:07] <@UsaSatsui> Oh, right
[14:51:12] <@UsaSatsui> Should not do that
[14:51:20] <@Fernin> in half an hour, Lexy'll get around to defining that
[14:51:22] <Sehk_Whoops> The bot is completely ignoring us
[14:52:14] <@UsaSatsui> Probably be a file not found
[14:52:38] <Sehk_Whoops> BRB snack time :)
[14:52:43] * Sehk_Whoops (c8db8446@ircip2.mibbit.com) Quit (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[14:53:58] <TheGreatPumpkin> well that was exciting
[14:54:00] <TheGreatPumpkin> shame about bitwise
[14:55:25] <@Fernin> heh, Lexy's just now getting the messages where Satsui entered our time frame
[14:56:16] -> [bitwise] PING
[14:59:10] <@UsaSatsui> I'll be getting off now
[14:59:19] <@UsaSatsui> Also, I'll be leaving the computer
[14:59:21] <@UsaSatsui> OH!
[14:59:21] <TheGreatPumpkin> lol
[14:59:23] <@UsaSatsui> Later
[14:59:24] <TheGreatPumpkin> once you leave
[14:59:26] <TheGreatPumpkin> you can never come back
[14:59:32] <TheGreatPumpkin> it's like neverland
[14:59:48] <bitwise> Whoo
[14:59:54] * TheGreatPumpkin was kicked by UsaSatsui (All dogs may go to heaven. But bunnies? We go in and out at will)
[14:59:55] <bitwise> Formatting is fun
[14:59:56] <bitwise> http://bitwise.dyndns-free.com/
[15:00:02] * @UsaSatsui (~EvilBunny@pool-###.bstnma.east.verizon.net) Quit (Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 6.0.2/20110902133214])
[15:00:05] * TheGreatPumpkin (~TheGreatP@host###.range81-159.btcentralplus.com) has joined #sydlexia
[15:00:09] <TheGreatPumpkin> i see what you did t har
[15:00:30] <@Fernin> bit, are you back in the present?
[15:00:46] <@Lexiabot9000> bit, you there?
[15:00:51] <TheGreatPumpkin> kick him if he has auto-rejoin he should be back
[15:01:00] <bitwise> I'm here
[15:01:02] <bitwise> What's up
[15:01:03] <TheGreatPumpkin> oh lol
[15:01:11] <@Lexiabot9000> you're stuck in the past
[15:01:19] <TheGreatPumpkin> playing shitty games that suck ass
[15:01:19] <@Fernin> that would just get him out of the room, not off the server
[15:01:25] <bitwise> Lame
[15:01:25] <TheGreatPumpkin> ah
[15:01:28] * bitwise (~bitwise@###.cg.shawcable.net) Quit (Quit: bitwis, and then bitwas.)
[15:02:11] * bitwise (~bitwise@###) has joined #sydlexia
[15:02:18] <bitwise> Am I back in the... present, now?
[15:02:24] <TheGreatPumpkin> yes
[15:02:28] <bitwise> Yay
[15:02:49] <bitwise> Never seen an IRCd delay like that
[15:03:18] * Chaotic (Chaotic@cpe-###.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #sydlexia
[15:03:55] * @Lexiabot9000 (~db51@cpe-###.nycap.res.rr.com) Quit (Quit: )
[15:03:57] * Lexiabot9000 (~db51@cpe-###.nycap.res.rr.com) has joined #sydlexia
[15:03:57] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Lexiabot9000
[15:04:08] <@Fernin> !define random
[15:04:11] <bitwise> Aw, where's Sehk?
[15:04:11] * M3GA_MAN (~M3GA@###) Quit (Read error: Operation timed out)
[15:04:13] * Lexiabot9000 sets mode: +v Lexiabot9000
[15:04:31] <TheGreatPumpkin> he left a while back
[15:04:33] <@Lexiabot9000> Hossenfeifer: The first step is to catch the rabbit.
[15:04:34] <@Fernin> he went off to get some food, should be back soon
[15:04:41] <@Fernin> !define random
[15:04:42] <bitwise> Lame
[15:04:42] <@Lexiabot9000> glomp: 25% Hug 75% Phagocytosis
[15:04:48] <bitwise> I saw him as still online just before I reconnected
[15:04:53] <@Fernin> woo, Lexy's back in the present :D
[15:04:58] <TheGreatPumpkin> and thus time was restored
[15:05:01] * M3GA_MAN (~M3GA@###) has joined #sydlexia
[15:05:02] <@Fernin> yeah, you were about a half hour in the past
[15:05:11] <bitwise> I didn't think that extended to nicks too, though
[15:05:26] <bitwise> One of DALnet's servers must be mega-whacked
[15:05:44] <@Fernin> it did, you, the bunny and Lexy were a half hour in the past, we got your messages 30-40 minutes after you sent them, including Satsui showing up
[15:06:04] <@Fernin> he showed up and started talking about doc's stolen car, 20 minutes after doc had left, confused the hell out of us
[15:06:28] * BlazingGlory (~BlazingGl@dhcp-###.eg4.ohiou.edu) has joined #sydlexia
[15:06:58] * @Fernin pokes Blaze with a time stick.