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LexiaBot9000 is an IRC bot run by Fernin in the SydLexia.com IRC channel. The bot was added as a trivia game, though right now the trivia sucks (send Fernin some good pop culture questions about the 80's and early 90's, damnit!).

On / Off

The bot will only function when it is given voice. To turn the bot on, have an op give it voice with the command /voice LexiaBot9000. Turn it off with /devoice LexiaBot9000.


This is a list of some bot commands. More may be added.

  • !date - Shows the date.
  • !time - Shows the time
  • !calc (math) - Have it do some math.
  • !roll - Rolls 2 dice.
  • !random (number) (number) - Picks a random number between the two numbers you give.
  • !seen (name) - Tells you the last time someone was in the channel
  • !start - Starts the Trivia game.
    • !stop - Stops the Trivia game.
    • !rank (name) - Shows a person's score in the trivia game
  • !hl on (number) - Starts the "guess the number" game. Guess the number between 1 and the entered number.
    • !hl (number) - Guesses a number.
  • !timebomb (name) - Sets a timebomb on someone. They need to then !snip the right wire to avoid being kicked.
  • !addquestion - Used to submit a question for the trivia game.

Trigger Words

The bot also triggers off of some words and phrases, such as "Hello", "Bot", and ":p". No, they're not all going to be listed. Finding them is half the fun.

Some commands and triggers will only work when the bot has ops.