How to remove a virus

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Virus Removal Instructions

  1. Create a Folder
    1. Close all programs
    2. Right click on the desktop
    3. Click the New option
    4. Click Folder
    5. Type the name sysclean
  2. Download the Program
    1. Go to the following website:
    2. In the center of the page scroll down to the red section titled: If you are not a Trend Micro customer
    3. Click the link called Sysclean Package
    4. Choose to save this file into the folder sysclean on the desktop
  3. Part 3: Download the Antivirus Pattern
    1. Go to the following website:
    2. In the center of the page scroll down to the red section titled: Controlled Pattern Release
    3. Click the link Download Latest Controlled Pattern Release
    4. Accept the agreement
    5. In the center of the page click on the file name this changes often, so the 000 will be a different number. The important thing is that the file name starts with lpt and ends with zip.
    6. Choose to save this file into the folder sysclean on the desktop
  4. Unpack the pattern file
    1. Close all open applications
    2. Open the folder sysclean on the desktop
    3. Double click the file remember that the 000 will be a different number
    4. When the next window opens drag it side by side with the already open sysclean window
    5. If you only see one window move the window to the side and open the sysclean window as well
    6. In the window that has two files (whatsnew.txt and lpt$vpn.000) drag the file starting with lpt$vpn into the sysclean window
  5. Disable System Restore
    1. Restart the computer
    2. While the computer is booting tap F8 once every second (no more, no less)
    3. Choose the option to load into SAFEMODE
    4. Login as normal
    5. Click the Start button
    6. Right Click My Computer
    7. Click Properties
    8. Click the System Restore tab
    9. Check Turn off System Restore or Turn off System Restore on all drives
    10. Click the OK button
    11. Click the Yes button
  6. Run the program
    1. Restart the computer
    2. While the computer is booting tap F8 once every second (no more, no less)
    3. Choose the option to load into SAFEMODE
    4. Login as normal
    5. Once loaded into safe mode open the folder on the desktop sysclean
    6. Double click the file Sysclean
    7. Click the button on the bottom that says SCAN
    8. Let it run until it is done
  7. Report the Results
    1. Read through the logs in the folder sysclean if any viruses are found repeat the previous step again one time. If viruses are still found and can not be cleaned you will need to go further than this and you should definitely be talking to an IT professional instead of doing this on your own at this point.
  8. Enable System Restore
    1. Do not do this if the system still has viruses on it.
    2. Restart the computer
    3. While the computer is booting tap F8 once every second (no more, no less)
    4. Choose the option to load into SAFEMODE
    5. Login as normal
    6. Click the Start button
    7. Right Click My Computer
    8. Click Properties
    9. Click the System Restore tab
    10. Un-check Turn off System Restore or Turn off System Restore on all drives
    11. Click the OK button
    12. Click the Yes button
    13. Restart the computer
  9. Prevent Another Virus
    1. The three software packages listed below are free for home use
    2. Antivirus Protection - Avast:
    3. Heuristic Antivirus Protection - Threatfire:
    4. AntiSpyware Protection - Windows Defender:

Virus Removal Instructions
April 2008
Original Source: