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| Trivia Game <br /> <code>!start</code> <br /><code>!stop</code><br /><code>!rank (name)</code> || Start & Stop the Trivia Game or check someone's rank. || !start <br /> !stop <br /> !rank GPFontaine || Starting Trivia. <br /> Trivia stopped. <br /> GPFontaine has 2 points.
| Trivia Game <br /> <code>!start</code> <br /><code>!stop</code><br /><code>!rank (name)</code> || Start & Stop the Trivia Game or check someone's rank. || !start <br /> !stop <br /> !rank GPFontaine || Starting Trivia. <br /> Trivia stopped. <br /> GPFontaine has 2 points.
| !addquestion || Submit a question for the trivia game. || !addquestion || You will receive a private message from LexiaBot9000, follow the instructions.
| !addquestion || Submit a question for the trivia game. || !addquestion || You will receive a private message from LexiaBot9000, follow the instructions.  If you see someone else do this and want to add your own question, wait a second for the other person to finish, or the bot gets confused.  All question are checked before being added.
| High/Low Game <br /> <code>!hl (on/off) (number)</code> <br /> <code>!hl (number guess)</code> || High / Low game || !hl on 10 <br /> !hl 5 <br /> !hl off || Higher/Lower game enabled <br /> Higher, GPFontaine <br />Higher/Lower game disabled. ||
| High/Low Game <br /> <code>!hl (on/off) (number)</code> <br /> <code>!hl (number guess)</code> || High / Low game || !hl on 10 <br /> !hl 5 <br /> !hl off || Higher/Lower game enabled <br /> Higher, GPFontaine <br />Higher/Lower game disabled. ||

Revision as of 21:05, 22 January 2009

LexiaBot9000 is an IRC bot run by Fernin in the SydLexia.com IRC channel. The bot was added as a trivia game, though right now the trivia sucks (send Fernin some good pop culture questions about the 80's and early 90's, damnit!).

On / Off

The bot will only function when it is given voice. To turn the bot on, have an op give it voice with the command /voice LexiaBot9000. Turn it off with /devoice LexiaBot9000.


This is a list of some bot commands. More may be added.

Command & Syntax
What it does Example Input Example Output
!time Outputs Time !time It is 21:27:48 right now
!date Outputs Date & Time !date Today is Thu Jan 22 21:30:43 2009.
!calc (equation) Solves Equation !calc 1+1 GPFontaine, result is: 2
!roll Rolls two dice !roll rolls the dice for GPFontaine: 1 and 3 = 4
!random (number)(number) Generates an integer between the two numbers !random 6 10 8
!seen (name) State when a person was last in the channel !seen GPFontaine GPFontaine was last seen quitting IRC 11 mins ago
Trivia Game
!rank (name)
Start & Stop the Trivia Game or check someone's rank. !start
!rank GPFontaine
Starting Trivia.
Trivia stopped.
GPFontaine has 2 points.
!addquestion Submit a question for the trivia game. !addquestion You will receive a private message from LexiaBot9000, follow the instructions. If you see someone else do this and want to add your own question, wait a second for the other person to finish, or the bot gets confused. All question are checked before being added.
High/Low Game
!hl (on/off) (number)
!hl (number guess)
High / Low game !hl on 10
!hl 5
!hl off
Higher/Lower game enabled
Higher, GPFontaine
Higher/Lower game disabled.
Timebomb Game
!timebomb (name)
!snip (color)
Timebomb game... this shit is just mean. Limit your usage or you will be booted. !timebomb GPFontaine
!snip orange
straps a bomb to GPFontaine's back. The display reads [45] seconds.
...snip GPFontaine was booted from #sydlexia by LexiaBot9000 (*BOOOM!*)

Trigger Words

The bot also triggers off of some words and phrases, such as "Hello", "Bot", and ":p". No, they're not all going to be listed. Finding them is half the fun.

Some commands and triggers will only work when the bot has ops.