The SydLexia D&D Campaign

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Fernin decided to open the floodgates and drown in the excess of the many D&D games he was also DMing by offering to run a game in the chatroom. 8 people were originally chosen to be the Heroes of his Legend, but this number has dwindled down. The group usually meets around Friday at midnight (Eastern time) and usually stops around 2 in the morning unless everyone's cool with playing longer.

Active Players
Lordsathien, player of the human druid Taran Almasy (and hawk companion Orseph)
Not_Sure, player of Suntoer, the quiet, yet ferocious falchion-wielding half-orc.
Valdronius, player of Derickt, the human sorcerer with a propensity for dual-wielding
docinsano, player of Beauregard Tau, human fighter
Ghandi, player of Jox Ashwood, halfling rogue

Retired Characters

??? Characters
These are players that haven't been around in a few sessions but haven't stated that they are bowing out either.
Lottel has had real life interfere for several consecutive sessions.
slayer1 is working with a dial-up connection through AOL.

See Also

Dungeons & Dragons
GameTable, the program used for most game sessions (or at least the ones that involve combat) [1]