IRC Ban List: Thatotherguy -Details-

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Linked from: IRC Ban List

Reason for Ban

Using inappropriate language in a hateful context.


[14:16:00]	<Thatotherguy>	Nobody is allowed to be "young guys"
Cept me and Nekkorou and other teenagers.
[14:16:05]	<Douche>	I had it in 5th grade...
[14:16:16]	<Captain_Pollution>	I had it till 6th, I win
[14:16:21]	<docinsano>	I still have recess lol
[14:16:30]	<Thatotherguy>	Stupid faggots go die.
[14:16:47]	<docinsano>	Bundles of sticks are already dead
[14:17:17]	<Thatotherguy>	Stupid homesexuals go die.
[14:17:26]	<UsaSatsui>	...Unless that's an anti-smoking message...
probably not a good idea to say that with the three most anal ops in the room. :p
[14:17:41]	<Dr_Jeebus>	what the fuck
[14:17:48]	<docinsano>	You the Fuck!
[14:17:50]	=-=	Thatotherguy was booted from #sydlexia by Dr_Jeebus
(You've been warned about that)
[14:18:04]	<UsaSatsui>	...beaten too it. :(
[14:18:13]	<Dr_Jeebus>	Usa, what's the command to ban?
[14:18:22]	<docinsano>	./banhammer
[14:18:38]	GOOGLE IT JEEBUS!
[14:18:52]	<UsaSatsui>	Probably not necessary right now. But...
um, hold on, PM window
[14:19:55]	-->|	Thatotherguy (
has joined #sydlexia
[14:20:25]	<Thatotherguy>	Maaaw Fuckers.
[14:20:35]	<Douche>	you calm now?
[14:20:39]	<docinsano>	lulz
[14:20:46]	<Douche>	take your insulin
[14:20:55]	<docinsano>	Here have a muffin
[14:21:01]	* docinsano	hands thatotherguy a muffin
[14:21:27]	<UsaSatsui>	TG, it's probably a good idea to chill out with that shit. Srsly.
[14:21:29]	<Captain_Pollution>	Here, have some fireworks
[14:21:37]	* Thatotherguy	eats his muffin and injects insulin, only to realize it was actually speed.
[14:21:59]	<Thatotherguy>	HAI GUYZ!
[14:22:13]	=-=	Mode #sydlexia +b Thatotherguy!*@* by Dr_Jeebus
[14:22:27]	=-=	Thatotherguy was booted from #sydlexia by Dr_Jeebus (Take a day off to think about what you've done)