Old DALnet SydLexia.com IRC channel

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The official SydLexia.com IRC channel was established on July 24th, 2008. The channel is named #sydlexia and is located on DALnet.

Channel details


Operators or Ops are the moderators of the IRC chat room.

  • Note: Those who ask for OP status will be kicked from the chat.


Command to list SOPs: /chanserv sop #sydlexia list


Command to list AOPs: /chanserv aop #sydlexia list

Operator Channel

There may or may not be an operator channel at irc://dalnet/Syd_Ops


  1. No using inappropriate language in a hateful context
  2. No spamming the channel
  3. No abusing the bot
  4. If you are warned by an operator, take it seriously
  5. Don't steal other users' names.

Ban List

If you don't follow the rules, you may end up on the ban list.

The channel does have a ban list. Details about this list can be found at the SydLexia.com IRC Ban List.

Ban Penalties

Here are the penalties if you are given a formal ban.

Offense # Penalty
1 24 hour ban
2 72 hour ban
3 7 day ban
4 7 day ban
5 7 day ban
6 Permanent ban

How to get on IRC

In order talk to others on IRC you need to install an IRC client. The following sections list the steps you will have to take for different clients and operating systems.



Disclaimer: You can only use this for so long. After that you have to pay to use it.

  1. Download and install mIRC.
  2. Run mIRC. By default, it will connect you to a DALnet server.
  3. Pick a username and whatnot.
  4. When the channel window pops up, type in #sydlexia and join.
  5. Alternatively, you can type /join #sydlexia into the status window to join.


Note: You need Firefox to use ChatZilla.

  1. Install ChatZilla.
  2. Open Firefox and click the Tools menu.
  3. Click ChatZilla.
  4. In the ChatZilla! window click the ChatZilla menu.
  5. Click Preferences....
  6. In the Nickname field type in your screenname.
  7. Click the OK button.
  8. Close the ChatZilla! window.
  9. Click this link. It may take a few moments to connect, but you should then be connected to the #sydlexia channel.



  1. Download Conversation from http://homepage.mac.com/philrobin/conversation/
  2. Go to file>preferences and pick a username and stuff.
  3. Click the “+” icon and select “Server” from the pulldown menu
  4. Type irc.dal.net in the appropriate space and click “open” from the pulldown menu at the bottom.
  5. Click the “+” icon again and select “channel” from the pulldown menu
  6. Type #sydlexia into the space provided, and click open once more from the pulldown menu.
  7. Enjoy IRC chat



  1. Download XChat or install it through your distro's package manager.
  2. Run XChat.
  3. Pick a username.
  4. Pick the DALnet server from the list.
  5. If XChat asks for the channel enter #sydlexia.
  6. If it doesn't ask, enter /join #sydlexia.


  1. Download BitchX or install it through your distro's package manager.
  2. Run BitchX.
  3. Type /server irc.dal.net.
  4. Type /nick YourScreenName.
  5. Type /join #sydlexia.

Web Based


  1. Go to http://elar.lap.ee/cgi/irc.cgi
  2. In the Nickname field type in your forum login name
  3. In the Server field type in irc.dal.net
  4. In the Channel field type in #Sydlexia

The easy way

  1. Go to http://karatekid.sydlexia.com/irc
  2. Enter your name
  3. Press the button


Dalnet supports a registered nickname system.

Notice Channel +M

As of March 1, 2009 the IRC channel is set to Mode +M. This means that anyone is welcome to visit and listen, but only registered Dalnet users will be able to speak.

Reason for +M

  1. People have been spamming the bot and Ops cannot stop them without disabling the bot.
  2. Trolls are trolls... this stops them from being able to talk and allows them to be banned if they are registered even on the web client.
  3. We have had an incident where someone lost their nickname. This will stop hijacking.

Feel free to discuss this in the forums.

How to register your nick

If you want to prevent other people from using your nick you have to register it with DALnet. Here's a quick guide on how to do that:

  1. Type /nick YourScreenName and press Enter.
  2. Type /nickserv register YourPassword YourEmailAddress and press Enter.
  3. Check your email account for a confirmation email. It can take up to an hour. Near the bottom of the email you will find a link to make your registration permanent.

(Note: If you choose a nickname already taken on the server, you will get errors.)

You can now identify yourself by typing /msg nickserv@services.dal.net identify YourPassword or more simply /identify YourPassword after you logged onto the server. For a full documentation on registration and identification read the DALnet NickServ Registration guide.

See also